----- "It is neither wealth nor splendor; but tranquility and occupation which give you happiness." ----- Thomas Jefferson
what we offer
Functional Capacity Evaluation
To determine an individual's current functional capability as compared to the specific job demands.
Hand therapy
Providing individuals with rehabilitation following any upper limb injuries, to ensure optimal functioning.
Medico Legal services
Evaluating the individual's functional capacity following injury and determining their loss of work capacity.
Mediation is a process where a neutral third party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict.
Work Hardening
A program designed to help people return to work after an injury or illness. It helps people build up their strength, endurance, and flexibility so that they can safely and effectively do their jobs. to work.
Pre-hire Post-offer screening
Screening applicants to determine their suitability for the job. This helps to assist in reducing workplace injuries.
Specialising in Paediatrics with special interest in neurodevelopmental therapy
working with good people
We have enjoyed a long and continuous relationship with Ms Hunter and her team, where personality, honesty and openness have been key. The ethos of her practice has been exemplary. Her report writing has always been of an exceptionally high standard and we can rely on her to be impartial to any bias. We look forward to many more years of working together and continued growth in our relationship.
Thank you to everyone at Robyn Hunter Occupational Therapy for your loyalty and good business practice.
Lauren LaventhalDirector - Emisha
I am a practicing attorney under name and style Hlongwa Attorneys.
My relationship with Robyn Hunter (Occupational Therapist) goes way back from 2014. I approach Ms Hunter to assist
me with medico-legal assessment on behalf of my clients. The relationship was amazing and its going stronger each and every day.
The result was excellent and is still the same. One thing I liked most is their professionalism and punctuality. I found the experience cherishable and I would not mind to recommend Ms Hunter to any person who need assistance in her expertise.
Nonhlanhla HlongwaHlongwa Attorneys
We at Kainos Medico Legal Services just wanted to share a quick note and let you know that you guys at Robyn Hunter Occupational Therapy do a really good job. We are glad that we decided to work with you. Your efficient and accurate reporting is much appreciated. Scheduling appointments has never been so easy, no waiting list and the efficient way you handle urgent appointments and reports is outstanding. We get regular feedback from referral Attorneys about your good service and the friendly and supportive way you treat and assist their clients. Thank you for making life easy for us and to enable us to provide outstanding reports to our clients.
Anna-Lize Janse van RensburgKainos Medico Legal Services